Naval-Dirks 0
Two kinds of naval dirk.s which imitated the
Western dirk were used for the imperial navy guided by Royal Navy on
December 15, 1873.
One is a second lieutenant trial assistant, an officer candidate
student, and an object for sergeant majors.
Other one is an object for junior noncommissioned officers. The
former attached the product made from a brass, the latter attached iron
decora-tions, and they had a wooden scabbard with black-leather
binding, and a straight guard.
As for a hilt, a gold streak is coiled around a rayskin, and the
backend of a backstrap is flat.
A metal parts is a simple thing without an ornament pattern, and
there is no blade collar on a blade.
As for a wooden scabbard, kind width, such as black lacquered,
brown leather binding, and a polished and lacqurered rayskin binding,
is produced. The dirk of a noncommissioned officer use has the
possibility of iron scabbard.
On October 20, 1883, the navy newly enacted the dirk for
officers. As for a guard, each tip is bent by the hook type and a blade
collar is attached to a blade. The backstrap of a hilt is abolished and
a dome shape pommel is attached.
And a pattern with a splendid cherry-blossoms leaf is attached to
a metal parts. There is no big change except the tip of the hand-guard
having become Komagata and the dirk of a second lieutenant trial
assistant, an officer candidate student, and a sergeant major use them
having become the shape of a slight dome with backstrap backend.
There was also a thing which had a shoe-shaped chape in them. The
leather binding of the scabbard of black or brown
was a standard.
The forms of the dirk of the officer use adopted at this time
were the foundations of the subsequent naval dirk.
In 1914, it became a style of all the naval officers and cadet
common including an admiral, and basic format did not change to the end
of the war. These dirks were forged in Toyokawa Naval Arsenal, Kamakura
Tenshōzan Forging Workshop (navy purveyor), and a private corporation.
Therefore, many were adopted for the new work present age sword,
Western iron made from a machine, and the stainless steel blade which
were united with the mounting.
In a blade, the "Mikasa dirk" (Zuisen Sword Workshop) of
steel-materials use of the gun of a battleship "Mikasa" is famous.
As for the details of a mounting, and the quality of a blade,
many kinds exist by an officer's liking and financial ability.
By lack of goods, it became a hilt of celluloid plastic surgery,
and a decoration made from celluloid, and quality.
The officer dirk did not stop at the symbol of an officer
individual's soul, but were social standing, authority, and the symbol
of masculinity itself. deteriorated in the war last stage.
The figure of the naval officer who wore the two-sort military
uniform of the stand-up collar of white summer use, and carried the
dirk charmed almost all women's heart.
For the naval officer, the dirk was a symbol of pride and honor.
Naval Academy


Here is the face lost from
Etajima Naval Academy trained the
naval officer. Geniuses gathered from
the whole country
and the gentleman with an international view was trained.
The name of each part of a dirk

They were appointed to the officer after the graduation ceremony.
The table of
contents of a naval dirk
Mikasa dirk:
Hideaki & Tenshōzan Five
of dirks Royal gift
dirk: Toshihide
Royal gift
dirk: Gassan Sadakatsu & Shigetsugu
The share of
a royal gift: Admiral Shimada and Lieutenant Admiral Ozawa knife
January 7, 2014 
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