Standard type
Mei: Nagamitsu. Overall length:
Mei: Emura. Overall length:
Mei: Mizuno Masanori
Wooden scabbard, Overall length: 100.0p
Mu-mei: Wooden scabbard, Overall
length: 91.5p
Last stage type
Mu-mei: Overall length: 100.3p.
Lacquered of a Tsuka-ito omits. The shape of a ferrule , a suspension
mount, and a chape differs from a standard.
The knot loop of a simple round bar is attached.
The pattern of the cherry blossoms of a ferrule and a chape is nothing.
Mei: Tsugunobu, Gunsui-tō
Lacquered of a Tsuka-ito omits. A scabbard is a wooden and the
surfaces are a binding and lacquered to the shape of a leech about
Japanese paper. A ferrule, a throat, and a chape are press made. A
metal ornaments is a griddle of a simple rectangle. The pattern of the
cherry blossoms of a ferrule and a chape is nothing.