九八式軍刀 (11)0
略 式 外 装 Informality mounting
The Guntō was changed into the wooden scabbard wrapped with leather
cord by shortage of goods in the last stage of war.
略式外装 無銘、木鞘茶色革包み、型打鍔、ボタン留め、尉官刀緒付き
(全長: 100p)
Informality type Mu-mei, A
mallow-shaped guard without an openwork, Leather package wooden scabbard,
Leather button stopper, With the tassel for company officers, Overall
length: 100.0p
式外装 無銘、木鞘茶色革包み、型打鍔、革バンド留め、尉官刀緒付き
(全長: 100.0p)
Informality type Mu-mei、A
mallow-shaped guard without an openwork, Leather package wooden scabbard,
Leather strap stopper, With the tassel for company officers, Overall
length: 100.0p
A Suspension mount has the feature. A blade stop is a form which stops
a band through the hole of a guard from the scabbard side.
略式 無銘、木鞘茶色革包み、型打鍔、小切羽一体バンドのボタン留め、尉官刀緒付き
(全長: 93.0p)

Ferrule (Fuchi) without an engraving Metal parts

The band integrated with a washers
(上掲3振り: 丸谷護氏所蔵)
The difference between the
leather cover for field battles, and an informality mounting

鉄鞘の野戦用革覆い Leather cover for field battle

略式外装の革覆い木製鞘 Informality scabbard
@ 野戦用革覆いは責金部分が責金の形状に盛り上がっている。略式外装革巻木鞘には責金は無い。
A 佩鐶上部露出金具の形状が異なる。
B 佩鐶足金具の盛り上がりが略式佩鐶足金具は単純な平行帯。
The leather cover for field battles is for protecting iron or aluminum scabbard. The leather package of an
informality mounting is united with a wooden scabbard.
(1) The Seme-gane part of the leather cover for field battles has swollen in seme-gane's shape. There is no trace of
seme-gane in an informal wooden scabbard wrapped with leather cord.
(2) The shapes of the metal fittings exposed to the suspension-mount upper part differ.
It is easily discriminable with the point of (1).