九五式軍刀 造兵廠標識0
造 兵 廠 の 標 識
An Arsenal trademark and inspection mark
九 五 式 軍 刀 の 刻 印
右の刻印: 主管造兵廠印(監督) 中央の刻印: 検査印(最終製造責任) 左の刻印: 民間刀剣会社印(外装)
Right stamp: Supervisor
Arsenal trademark. Central stamp:
Inspection mark (the last manufacture responsibility).
Left stamp: Private
sector sword company trademark.
(9)は、※Mr.Tom Swordfish所有の中期型で発見された。 (9) Mr.Tom Swordfish possession
民間商標 Private
sector trademark




Co,Ltd. Suya Shōten
飯島刀劍製作所 (東京市下谷区金杉)
Ījima Tōken Seisakusho
合名会社神戸商店 ?
(東京市四谷区片町) Kōbe Shōten & Co.?
Seki Tōken Co,Ltd.
( Mr.Donald
Barnesに依る100本以上の調査結果と新たに発見された鉄製縁の刻印。鉄製縁金具の刻印は珍しい。中期以降の鉄製縁には今まで殆ど刻印は確認されていなかった。これ以外にあると思われる )
A top is a kind of stamp of a beginning term type, a first stage type, a transitional (it is a copper Ferrule with an iron Guard) middle type copper Ferrule, and a middle type iron Ferrule checked now.
(The stamp of 100 or more results of an investigation which depend on Mr.Donald Barnes, and the newly discovered iron Ferrule. The stamp of iron Ferrule is new. The stamp was not checked in the iron Ferrule on and after the middle until now. It seems that it is in addition to this.)
造兵廠名古屋工廠製九五式軍刀の縁刻印。上記 4 の組合わせの右に小倉の「小」の刻印がある極めて貴重な例
The Fuchi stamp of Arsenal Nagoya Factory Type 95 Guntō. The very precious example which has the stamp of "Ko" of a Kokura in the right of the combination of the above (4).

←Kokura Arsenal inspection mark Kanji character"Ko" |
参考: 将校用刀身検査印
Reference: The blade for officers inspection mark:
「ホ」 小倉陸軍造兵廠第一製造所 "Ho" Kokura Army Arsenal First Factory.
「セ」 小倉陸軍造兵廠第二製造所 "Se" Kokura Army Arsenal Second Factory.
「南」 南満陸軍造兵廠 "Nan" Nanman Army Arsenal
「連」 南満陸軍造兵廠大連製造所 "Ren" Nanman Army Arsenal Dalian Factory.
造 兵 廠 標 識 Arsenal trademark

東京砲兵工廠標識 「四つの砲弾」マーク。関東大震災 (大正12年) 後、砲兵工廠は造兵廠に改組された。 造兵廠東京工廠に昭和15年3月迄継続使用された。 Tōkyō Artillery Arsenal trademark.: "Four cannonball" mark.
The artillery arsenal was reorganized by the arsenal after the Great Kantō Earthquake (1923). Continuation use
was carried out at "Army Arsenal Tōkyō Factory". (1923 - March, 1940)

東京第一陸軍造兵廠標識 昭和15年4月の「造兵廠」組織改編で新しく制定された。 Tōkyō First Army Arsenal trademark: (April, 1940 - 1945) It was
newly enacted by the organization reorganization in April, 1940.

造兵廠小倉工廠標識 昭和8年、「東京工廠」の小倉移転に伴い、「造兵廠小倉工廠」もこの標章を使用した。 小倉陸軍造兵廠標識 昭和15年の組織改正後も終戦まで継続使用された ( 昭和15年以降は小倉と断定出来る )。 Army Arsenal Kokura Factory trademark:(1933 - March, 1940)
"Arsenal Kokura Factory" used this trademark with Kokura relocation of "Arsenal Tōkyō Factory" in 1933. Kokura Army Arsenal trademark: (April, 1940 - 1945). Continuation use even of after the organization revision in 1940 was carried out to the end of the

造兵廠名古屋工廠〜名古屋陸軍造兵廠標識 九五式軍刀の主管は東京(小倉)工廠だったので、縁金具に刻印される ことはなかった。然し昭和15年4月の「造兵廠」への組織改編でこの標識刻印を使うようになった。 Army Arsenal Nagoya factory - Nagoya Army Arsenal trademark:
(1923 - 1945). Since the supervisor arsenal of a Type 95 Guntō was Tōkyō(Kokura) Factory, a Nagoya Factory
trademark was not stamped on copper Fuchi metallic ornaments. However, it came to use this sign stamp by
the organization reorganization to the "Arsenal" in April, 1940.

造兵廠南満工廠〜南満陸軍造兵廠標識 Army Arsenal Nanman factory - Nanman Army Arsenal trademark:(1938 - 1945).

仁川陸軍造兵廠標識 昭和15年4月の組織改編で新設。 Incheon Army Arsenal trademark: (1940 - 1945) |
The inspection stamp of a Fuchi (Only copper) and a blade.

陸軍造兵廠東京工廠〜東京第一陸軍造兵廠検査印 刀身製造及び軍刀最終組立責任造兵廠を表示。 Army Arsenal Tōkyō Factory - Tōkyō First Army Arsenal inspection mark: "Tō" Blade manufacture and the Guntō last assembly responsibility arsenal are displayed.

陸軍造兵廠名古屋工廠〜名古屋陸軍造兵廠検査印 刀身製造及び軍刀最終組立責任造兵廠を表示。 Army Arsenal Nagoya Factory - Nagoya Army Arsenal inspection mark: "Mei"

名古屋陸軍造兵廠熱田兵器製造所関工場検査印 刀身製造及び軍刀最終組立責任造兵廠を表示。 Nagoya Army Arsenal Atsuta Arms Factory Seki Factory inspection mark: "Seki"

陸軍造兵廠小倉工廠〜小倉陸軍造兵廠検査印 小倉は設立の経緯から東京と一体であった。 下記の例を除いて「小」刻印は発見されていない。九五式軍刀の検査印は「東」を慣用したものと思われる。 Army Arsenal Kokura Factory - Kokura Army Arsenal inspection mark: "Ko". "Ko" stamp is not discovered except for the following example. It seems that the inspection mark used the "To" commonly since most Tokyo Factories relocated to Kokura Factory.

小倉陸軍造兵廠第一製造所廠検査印 Army Arsenal Kokura First Factory inspection mark: "Ho".

小倉陸軍造兵廠第二製造所廠検査印 Army Arsenal Kokura Second Factory inspection mark: "Se".

南満陸軍造兵廠第二製造所検査印 九五式末期型に確認されている。 Nanman Army Arsenal Second Factory inspection mark: "Ni". This inspection mark is checked by the Type 95 last stage type.

仁川陸軍造兵廠標識 昭和15年4月の組織改編で新設。 Incheon Army Arsenal inspection: "Jin". (1940 - 1945)

仁川陸軍造兵廠平城(壌)製造所検査印 刀身製造及び軍刀最終組立責任造兵廠を表示。 Incheon Army Arsenal Pyongyang Factory inspection mark: "He"
奉 天 造 兵 所 に 就 い て

「奉天造兵所」は満洲東北部の軍閥・張作霖の私設兵器製造所であった |
Co,Ltd. Mukden Arms Factory
In Japan, there are two kinds with incorporated company being attached before a company name, or being attached behind.
"Mukden Arms Factory" was a private arms factory of the military clique and Zhang Zuolin of a Manchuria northeast part. And this factory had become an incorporated company organization on the day of when.
( by Manchuria Everyday Newspaper on June 16, 1936 )
It is fundamental-principles determination (special-purpose company of the joint management of Japan and Manchuria) in the
reorganization committee of Mukden Arms Factory.
"In the Manchuria country, control establishment of arms industry was aimed at from sometime past.
In order to reorganize the present Mukden Arms Factory and to consider it as the special-purpose company under minister jurisdiction of a military government part, the establishment preparatory committee was prepared.
From 1:00 p.m. on the 15th, the first establishment preparatory committee was held in Shinkyō Yamato hotel, and
fundamental principles were determined.
1. Incorporated company Mukden Arms Factory is reorganized to the special-purpose company of the joint management of
Japan and Manchuria. This company is put under the supervisor of the minister of a military government part, and
is named Co,Ltd. Mukden Arms Factory.
2. A Manchuria national army part and a private sector invest the capital by halves respectively.
In addition, the law of Co,Ltd. Mukden Arms Factory accompanying these incorporation procedures will complete
a various procedure by the
beginning of July, and is the schedule of proclamation."
As this report also shows, "Co,Ltd. Mukden Arms Factory " is a special-purpose company. This company is not the
organization of the army arsenal called "Mukden Arsenal". Although there was a clear difference under the name of
Japanese, since both "造兵所" and "造兵廠" became "Arsenal" when translated into English, misunderstanding was invited.
It is unknown when Co,Ltd. Mukden Arms Factory was included in the arsenal organization after establishment of Army
Arsenal Nanman factory in August, 1938. As of October, 1943, probably this company is under Nanman Arsenal's
organization, and a "Nanman Arsenal Mukden Factory" is the right name. As for the inspection mark here, "奉 = Hō" was
used. The error of the conventional "Mukden Arsenal" should be corrected.
情報ご提供: 小野義一郎様(南満陸軍造兵廠〜満洲飛行機製造株式会社:技術大尉)
Information offer: Mr. Giichiro Ono
(Nanman Army Arsenal - Manchuria Airplane Factory technical Captain)
Army Arms Administration Headquarters compile
in October, 1943. "Inspection mark and sign regulation" offere: Mr. K. Morita
造 兵 廠
明治2年、新政府は幕府直轄の大砲製造所(関口)・火工所(竹橋)・火薬製造所(三田村)・洋式火薬製造所(滝野川、榎本武揚が機械を函館に搬出し事実上中断)・長崎製鉄所等収容。軍務官所属とし、 関口大砲製造所を開設。
組織拡大と 地方分散の要求から、昭和2年、東京工廠の3/5を九州・小倉兵器製造所へ移転を決定。
九五式軍刀の製造(昭和10年から)は、「東京」(実態は小倉工廠: 小倉造兵廠に東京監督班が存在する)・「名古屋工廠」が主力で、後に「仁川造兵廠」が加わった。
Army Arsenal
(A place related to an army Type 95 Guntō is mainly extracted)
Tōkyō Artillery Arsenal (Koishikawa) is destroyed by the Great Kantō Earthquake on September 1, 1923.
The "artillery arsenal" was reorganized by this opportunity at the "arsenal". Each arsenal of Tōkyō, Ōsaka, Nagoya,
and Fire was installed, furthermore Kokura and Pyongyang Arms Factory were installed.
It determined to transfer 3/5 of Arsenal Tōkyō Factory to Kokura Arms Factory in Kyushu in 1927 for the demand of the expansion of an organization and decentralization. Arsenal Tōkyō Factory's headquarters of was relocated to Jūjyō in 1933. And the great portion of Arsenal
Tōkyō Factory was transferred to Kokura, and Kokura superintended the Tōkyō Factory which remained in Jujyo. Kokura Arms Factory was promoted to "Arsenal Kokura Factory" with the merger with Arsenal Tōkyō Factory.
Arsenal Nanman Factory was newly established in Mukden in 1938.
"Arsenal" reorganization was carried out in April, 1940.
Each factory of an Arsenal became each with the "Arsenal" by establishment of arms administration headquarters.
Arsenal Tōkyō Factory's name changed to Tōkyō First Army Arsenal (arms).
Arsenal Fire Factory's name changed to Tōkyō Second Army Arsenal (gunpowder).
Incheon Army Arsenal was established newly and Incheon superintended Pyongyang Arms factory.
Arsenal Tōkyō Factory (the actual condition is Kokura Factory. Director Tōkyō group existed in Kokura) and the
Arsenal Nagoya Factory were the main force of manufacture of a Type 95 Guntō. Incheon Arsenal was added behind.
By the expansion of the organization of an Arsenal, and change of a manufacture thing, change of a name and a
supervisor was repeated frequently. Therefore, the Arsenal name which actually manufactures a blade and a Mounting
(Koshirae) is not necessarily in agreement with a
supervisor Arsenal stamp. At first, Kokura (the Tōkyō trademark and
inspection mark use) supervised the Type 95 Guntō, and superintended each arsenal. However, the supervisor Arsenal was
abolished by the organiza-tion revision in April, 1940, and it came to stamp the
trademark of the actually manufactured
Arsenal. The inspection mark and the trademark became the same Arsenal.