九八式軍刀 (7)0

「柴田 果」・「藤田永弘」・野戦用革覆い

"Ka", "Nagahiro", The leather cover for field battles

九八式軍刀 14・15・16 | 軍刀 | 軍刀について | 軍刀制定勅令類 | 九八式目次 | 九四式目次 | 海軍太刀型目次
ページ内検索  永弘 |  野戦用革覆い

「柴田 果」

標準型 在銘: 果作、近代刀、(刃長:68.6p・反り:0.8p)、褐色半光沢塗、透かし鐔、全切羽装備、駐爪式、
将官刀緒付 (全長: 107.0p)


Normalized form type: Mei: Ka、Modern-sword, (Blade length: .68.6p, Curvature: 0.8p), Iron scabbard:
Blackish brown semigloss coating. Openwork guard, Spring-clip. All the washers
equipment, With the tassel for general, Overall length: 107.0p.





An army special attack unit "Jyungi party". A captain is First Lieutenant Shinji Tsuruga, and this party is nine-person organization. The members who perform courtesy which extracted the sword in a kickoff ceremony They did the inrush battle casualty at the enemy's naval fleet, with Type 1 fighter planes "Hayabusa=peregrine falcon" in which the bomb was held, at the offing of Mindoro and Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines, applied from
December 21, 1944 to January 7, 1945.
 表銘 見敵必殺報國恩  應特攻隊需  果作
 裏銘 昭和二十年三月卅一日大戦果発表之日(人間国宝・永山光幹門下 阿部研師研磨)
 Mei: In order to reward the obligation of a country, an enemy is found and it
    certainly kills. It responds to the demand of suicide attack units

    (The meaning of the Kanji character stamped before the Mei). Ka Saku

 Ura-mei: March 31, 1945, the day of a large success-in-battle announcement.
                                     ※ 知覧特攻基地参照 Refer to Chiran Special Attack Unit base


柴田果: 本名 柴田政太郎 (出羽國秋田出身)。戦前の代表的刀匠・刀匠最高位の「国工」の称号を持つ。

Shibata swordsmith forged this sword, in order to reward a kamikaze pilot's soul.
Captain Tsutomu Sasagawa, Second Lieutenant Shinji Takahashi, and Sergeant Tadaharu Urita of an army special attack party "Makoto 39th flying corps", sortied from the Tokunoshima base by Type 1 fighter on March 31 in Nakago-mei, and they did the inrush battle casualty at the U.S. warship of the Okinawa west ocean space. 
U.S. heavy cruiser Indianapolis, mine institution warship Adams serious damage. The tank landing craft No. 724 partial damage. (U.S. Forces official score)

Shibata Ka: Real name is Masataro Shibata (Akita native) .
He is a typical swordsmith of prewar days. He has a title of "the swordsmith of a country" of the swordsmith topmost
He does a sword making with a hobby, There are many knives and there are few swords.
The 1934 empire exhibition winning a contest, a new work Japanese sword exhibition judge, "Gonnodaisojo".
By "The imperial swordsmith ranking table" (which Hikosaburo Kurihara selected), he is one of 12 persons of the position of god (Topmost peg).



標準型 銘: 長門國萩住藤田永弘、新々刀、(刃長:76.6p・反り:1.4p)、鉄鞘 (茶褐色半光沢塗)
全切羽装備、駐爪式、佐官刀緒付  (全長: 112.0p)

"Nagatonokuni Hagijū Fujita Nagahiro"

Normalized form type  Mei: Nagatonokuni Hagijū Fujita Nagahiro, Shin-Shin-to,
(Blade length: 76.6p, Curvature: 1.4p), Iron scabbard: Blackish brown semigloss coating.
Spring-clip. With the tassel for field officer, Overall length: 112.0p.

表銘: 長門國萩住藤田永弘作 真十五枚甲伏鍛
裏銘: 吉久所持 文久三年癸亥 (1863年)  76pを超える大刀

Mei: Nagatonokuni Hagiju Fujita Nagahiro Saku Shin Jugomai Kobuse Kitae
Ura-mei: Yoshihisa Shoji Bunkyu Sannen Mizunoto-I (1863)



中期型 無 銘、アルミ鞘茶梨地塗、型打鍔、全切羽装備、駐爪式、野戦用革覆い、 尉官刀緒付

The leather cover for field battles

Middle type Mu-mei、A mallow-shaped guard without an openwork, Aluminum scabbard: Brown. semigloss
paint, Spring-clip. With the tassel for company officers,

上掲三口(松原 聡氏所蔵)


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