手握り 無銘、古刀、(刃長:66.0p・反り: 1.6p)、茶研出鮫皮巻木鞘、錠蓋式刀身止、
金具模様: 桜花高彫・葉毛彫、士官刀緒付 (全長: 97p)
※ 海軍はサーベル軍刀を短剣に対して「長剣」と呼称した
Naval saber: Both-hands grip type Mumei、Ko-tō,
(Blade length: 66.0p, Curvature: 1.6p),
Brown polished-and-lacqurered rayskin binding wooden scabbard, Blade
stopper of the foldaway guard,
Metal-parts pattern: Cherry blossoms are convex engravings and a leaf
is a
Line engraving. With an informality tassel for officers, Overall
length: 97.0p.

The engraving pattern of a metal parts
Blade stopper of the foldaway guard, state of "closed"